Monday, April 9, 2012


This post is dedicated to the sun that is not shining giving hope that the sun will shine tomorrow for my little ray of sunshine's birthday.

Yellow is everywhere yellow shoes, yellow tops, yellow yellow yellow. Recently all I have been thinking about are yellow converse and how hip it would be to own a pair. What am I, 18 again! For 10 days solid Holland experienced sunshine (in March I might add) and blue sky's. So I ordered them....and for three nights I lay awake thinking what had I done. A bit like ordering a wedding dress and wondering if I would regret it. I certainly did not. The perfect yellow shoes a girl could have.

But what am really dreaming of are the perfect yellow shoes by Christian Louboutin but not so practical (quote my mum!) when you have two kids.
Easter always brings sunshine. Watching the children's faces as they hunt in the garden for their own body weight in chocolate and the joy of eating it afterwards. We ate, we drank, we laughed and ate eggs. I again forgot to take photos of my easter egg pops or my easter white chocolate cake but I did bake this week but here's one of my easter bunnies with all her eggs she painted.


  1. LOVE those yellow converse. I'm a bit jealous. :) And what a cute photo with the eggs!

  2. Way to go Mel. Love the yellow Converse Can't wait to be wearing mine with a gorgeous yellow scarf I bought in InWear last summer (when I unpack all my clothes this weekend after 4 months!). xxx
